Getting involved at Bay isn't just for students, it's for parents and guardians as well!
Volunteering is a fun and rewarding way to help Bay and make friends. Maybe you’re an event set-up master, seasoned Annual Fund volunteer, talented pancake flipper, or perhaps class coordinator is calling your name- whatever your skills and no matter how much time you have to offer, we can’t wait for you to get involved.
There are a few ways to get started- the Advancement Office, the Admissions Office, and the Bay Family Association all have ongoing volunteer needs.
Annual Fund Volunteers
Led by two parent co-chairs, we have a great group of 25-30 parents who act as our Annual Fund cheerleaders. This role requires a few hours a month in the fall to reach out to families in your class via phone or email and can be done any time or any place that suits your schedule. We promise, asking for money at Bay isn’t scary at all!
Interested? Please reach out to Chelsea Goldsmith, Associate Director of Annual Giving.
Event Volunteers
The Advancement office hosts several events throughout the year including the new family dinner, our annual spring fundraiser, and graduation. We need volunteers to help with set-up, check-in, clean-up, and some projects to help prep along the way! Most of these volunteer opportunities take place on campus for 2-3 hours.
Interested? Please reach out to Jean Karnow, Special Events Coordinator.
The BFA is all about building community, supporting staffulty, and keeping parents/guardians in the know about all things Bay. Led by an amazing group of parent leaders, the BFA is a great way to find your place at Bay.
Our current parents are the best Bay Ambassadors for potential new families! Please reach out to a member of the admissions team to find out how you can volunteer with the Office of Admissions.