The Annual Fund

The Annual Fund is the cornerstone of giving at The Bay School.


The Annual Fund is Bay’s primary fundraising focus. A robust Annual Fund provides us with the flexibility to efficiently address the needs of our students as they arise. This ability to respond quickly and dynamically allows us to provide the student-centered educational experience that makes Bay unique. And since Annual Fund dollars are put to use immediately in the year they are given, the sooner we receive your gift or pledge, the more strategically we can plan for the year ahead!   

We hope that you will consider supporting the Annual Fund in a way that feels meaningful for your family. Dollars raised and participation are equally important when it comes to nurturing a spirit of giving at Bay. It may feel like a $10 gift is less important than a $10,000 gift, but our Annual Fund goal isn’t just financial, it’s cultural. 

Give Now      Pledge Now

For more information or questions about giving, please do not hesitate to contact Chelsea Goldsmith, Associate Director of Annual Giving [email protected].